From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 32 32 playsThis lecture series is presented by the Lin Great Speakers Series and the Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series. Beyond Burnout CultureFeaturing Jonathan… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 3 3 playsEscobedo Saint John's Bible LectureAt the center of Paul’s most commented letter, Romans, he profoundly expresses his hope for the liberation and redemption… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 68 68 playsEscobedo Saint John's Bible LectureU.S. Immigration and Biblical Interpretation: The Politics of BelongingBy Francisco Lozada Jr., Ph.D.Thursday, Nov. 18, 7 to 8:30… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 34 34 playsThe Escobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture Series presentsI Am Babylon: A Postcolonial Womanist Interpretation of the Woman Babylon in the Book of Revelation featuring… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 24 24 playsEscobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture: Biblical Hagar in Black and White (VIRTUAL) / October 28, 2020 The Escobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture Series presents… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 15 15 playsDid Jesus really mean for us to be good for this long? The Escobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture Series presents Professor Laurie Brink, O.P., Ph.D., who will… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 19 19 playsEscobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture Series Grappling with the Prophetic Tradition in the 21st Century What does being a prophet mean? How are we to understand our… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 59 59 plays"Turtles All the Way Down: New Ways of Looking at Old Texts" Thomas M. Bolin, Ph.D., Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at St. Norbert College in… -
From Loretta Sanchez
0 0 likes | 29 29 plays"At Table with the Lord: Meals in the Gospel of Mark" Mary Healy, a Doctor of Sacred Theology, and associate professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart… -
0 0 likes | 21 21 plays2015 Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series 'Contemplating the Face of the Crucified Christ: Four Gospel Portraits' Guest Speaker Reverend Donald…
0 0 likes | 29 29 playsThe Saint John's Bible Lecture Series presents 'Sight, Insight, Illumination Art: The Humanity of the Spiritual'with Guest SpeakerJoseph Aspell Saint…
0 0 likes | 4 4 playsThe Saint John’s Bible is the first handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in more than 550 years, and its seven-volume…
0 0 likes | 10 10 playsThe Saint John’s Bible is the first handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in more than 550 years, and its seven-volume…