Escobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture / Anathea Portier-Young, Ph.D. / November 17, 2022
From Loretta Sanchez
From Loretta Sanchez
How and where do we encounter God? In what ways does God meet us? The illuminations of the Saint John's Bible Prophets volume invite us to encounter God in sacred scripture and sacred space, in liturgy and in creation, and through the mediating bodies of prophets and Christ.
About Anathea Portier-Young, Ph.D.
Anathea Portier-Young, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School and is the author of Apocalypse Against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism (Eerdmans, 2011) and co-editor of Scripture and Social Justice: Catholic and Ecumenical Perspectives (Lexington, 2018). Her forthcoming book, The Prophetic Body (Oxford), is part of a larger project on the embodiment of biblical prophecy.
The Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series brings to campus biblical scholars whose pursuit of knowledge demonstrates the complementarity of faith and reason illuminated by the artwork of The Saint John’s Bible. Exemplifying the richness of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, it enhances both the intellectual development and spiritual growth of our students.
About the lecture series: Thanks to a generous gift from former Board of Trustees Chairman Ruben Escobedo, a 1960 graduate of St. Mary’s, and his wife Veronica Salazar Escobedo, the Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series was created and allows St. Mary’s University to share the remarkable illuminated pages with members of the St. Mary’s community, and with faith communities from across Texas and the nation. Each year, outstanding biblical scholars are invited to campus to give public presentations to enhance the interdisciplinary nature of our campus and community learning, while connecting our students and community to the creative, scholarly, and spiritual possibilities of the Saint John’s Bible currently on campus.