Escobedo Saint John's Bible Lecture Series • Allison Gray, Ph.D. • November 12, 2024
From Loretta Sanchez
From Loretta Sanchez
Belonging to the Body of Christ: Pauline Images and the Work of Caring
Featuring Allison Gray, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology and Greek, St. Mary's University
As the U. S. Surgeon General noted in 2023, loneliness affects more than 60% of the people in the United States. Its health effects are about the same as smoking several cigarettes a day. Humans were not made to be alone. Drawing from her book, Reforming the Household of God: Paul’s Model of Belonging, St. Mary’s Associate Professor of Theology and Greek Allison Gray, Ph.D., will talk about how St. Paul’s understandings of the Church can foster belonging through care and community building.
The Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series brings to campus biblical scholars whose pursuit of knowledge demonstrates the complementarity of faith and reason illuminated by the artwork of The Saint John’s Bible. Exemplifying the richness of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, it enhances both the intellectual development and spiritual growth of our students.
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