Faith and Spiritual Life of Young Adult Catholics in a Rising Hispanic Church / Feb. 14, 2023
From Loretta Sanchez
From Loretta Sanchez
Faith and Spiritual Life of Young Adult Catholics in a Rising Hispanic Church Book Review Panel
Featuring The Rev. Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ, Ph.D., Tracey Lamont, Ph.D., Jose Matos Auffant and The Rev. Juan Molina Flores, Ph.D.
Tuesday, Feb. 14
3:30-5:00 p.m.
University Center, Conference Room A
What does spiritual life look like for young adult Catholics, especially as we continue to move through the pandemic? Join Rev. Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ, Ph.D. and a panel of experts for a discussion of the new edited volume Faith and Spiritual Life of Young Adult Catholics in a Rising Hispanic Church (Liturgical Press, November 2022). Fr. Gaunt will engage in discussion with a panel of reviewers to share the results of extensive research about how young adult Catholics experience and express their spirituality, drawing on insights from leaders in young adult ministry and scholars in theology and sociology. In particular, the panelists will address how the book's findings matter for the growing population of Hispanic young adult Catholics in the US.
All members of the St. Mary's University and San Antonio community are invited to come explore big questions about how young adults connect to spirituality, ministry, and meaning. Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Glenn MacTaggart (J.D. ’79, M.A. ’89), longtime attorney and counsel with Prichard Hawkins Young LLP, and his wife, Karla MacTaggart, gave a major gift to St. Mary’s to create the MacTaggart Catholic Intellectual Tradition Lecture Series Endowment. The gift allows for the recruitment of speakers from various faith traditions to speak to the University and San Antonio communities about such topics as Catholicism in a changing world, religion in a pluralistic society, and faith in areas such as art and science. The lecture series will be one of the cornerstones of a Center for Catholic Studies that St. Mary’s is in the process of establishing, which is a result of the University’s Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign.