The New Faculty Mentor for Mission Program helps the University build “a community of scholars who engage in an academic environment that is nourished by our Catholic mission and Marianist identity in order to form people in faith and justice.” (Characteristics of Marianist Universities, 2019, 19) The program offers a mentor workshop, monthly gatherings, mentor-mentee one-on-ones, a mentee retreat, and a final reception all intended to:
- Welcome and provide collegial support for our new faculty.
- Build a foundational understanding of Catholic and Marianist thought processes.
- Explore the impact of Catholic and Marianist values and spirituality on teaching.
- Provide resources for establishing a faculty member’s personal mission-related library.
Opening Prayer:
Jessica Uhlig, EdD, Executive Director, Marianist Educational Associates (MEA) Program
Alicia Cordoba Tait, DMA, Beirne Director of the Center for Catholic Studies, Professor of Oboe
Jessica Uhlig, EdD, Executive Director, Marianist Educational Associates (MEA) Program
Rev. William Myer, SM, Associate Vice President for Mission and Rector