Upward Bound at St. Mary's University
Bound helps selected high school students get better prepared to
succeed in college. In a warm and nurturing environment on a college
campus, participants receive numerous educational advantages. About 774
Upward Bound Programs across the nation serve college-bound high school
students. St. Mary’s University has hosted Upward Bound since 1967.
Upward Bound is one of several educational opportunity programs
referred to as TRIO Programs (initially there were three) funded by the
U.S. Department of Education. The goal of TRIO Programs is to increase
enrollment and graduation from college among underrepresented
populations. Funded by Congress under Title IV of the Higher Education
Act of 1965 and administered by the U.S. Department of Education, more
than 1,000 universities, community colleges and agencies offer TRIO
Programs throughout the United States. TRIO programs help students
overcome class, social and cultural barriers to higher education.
Graduates of TRIO Programs are working in business, industry,
government, medicine, law, education, communications, sales, finance,
politics, transportation, publishing, law enforcement, computer science
and technology, engineering and accounting.
Contact Us
Jacqueline Dansby, Ph.D.
Upward Bound Pre-Collegiate Program
St. Mary’s University
One Camino Santa Maria
Treadaway Hall, Courtyard
San Antonio, Texas 78228-8589
Fax: 210-431-5068