01:45:19duration 1 hour 45 minutes
2017 School of Law Commencement-May 20, 2017
Spring 2017 Commencement – School of Law…
52:04duration 52 minutes 4 seconds
2012 10th Annual Catholic Intellectual Tradition…
2012 10th Annual Catholic Intellectual Tradition Lecture Series -Dermott J. Mullan, Ph.D.
Celebrating God's Mysteries and Greatness,…
09:20duration 9 minutes 20 seconds
Class of 2012 Memories -- St. Mary's…
Class of 2012 Memories -- St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas
School of Law Class of 2012 Memory Video
01:42:07duration 1 hour 42 minutes
May 2012 Law Commencement (full)
01:41:48duration 1 hour 41 minutes
Seventy-Eighth Commencement Exercises, St.…
Seventy-Eighth Commencement Exercises, St. Mary's University School of Law, May 19, 2012
School of Law Commencement 2012