Search for tag: "business week experience 2022"

The 2022 Business Experience --Business Week Awards Recognition Celebration--October 14, 2022

Business Week Awards Recognition Celebration 6 to 9 p.m. | University Center, Conference Room A The Business Week experience is an annual event that offers students the opportunity to connect with…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 32 plays

Alicia Cordoba, D.M.A. --Faith's Impact on Meaning and Purpose at work: A President's Perspective --October 13, 2022

Faith's Impact on Meaning and Purpose at work: A President's Perspective Alicia Cordoba, D.M.A. -- President, Aquinas College Thursday, Oct. 13Faith’s Impact on Meaning and Purpose…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 6 plays

Jim Perschback -- Tech Port: Connecting San Antonio with a World of Opportunities / October 12, 2022

Wednesday, Oct. 12Tech Port: Connecting San Antonio with a World of Opportunities 9:20 to 10:35 a.m. | University Center, Conference Room AJim PerschbachPresident and CEO, Port San Antonio The…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 2 plays