Search for tag: "vocal recital"

Vocal Recital - April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016 Treadaway Recital Hall Vocal Recital featuring students of Jacquelyn Matava, D.M.A. Kimberly Stephenson Mark Alexander and Deborah Heitzke, piano

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 33 plays

Vocal Major Studio Rectial -- October 24, 2013

From  Katherine Lehman-Meyer 0 likes 8 plays

Non Major Vocal Studio Recital - March 20, 2012

From  Katherine Lehman-Meyer 0 likes 6 plays

Major Vocal Studio Recital -- March 21, 2013

From  Katherine Lehman-Meyer 0 likes 11 plays

Vocal Studio Recital-- October 20, 2015

Vocal Rectial Students of Jacquelyn Matava, Ph.D. and Professor Kimberly Stephenson Piano--Mark Alexander, Ph.D., Deborah Heitzke In the Music Department at St. Mary’s University, students…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 33 plays

Janelle Deeann Pierce Senior Vocal Recital

March 22, 2015 Treadaway Recital Hall In the Music Department at St. Mary’s University, students explore the varied musical traditions of the past and present through a curriculum of…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 18 plays